Showing: 14 Articles

My Journey to Publication (and Your Face at the Finish Line!)

Seeing the groups of runners along the lake training for next month’s Chicago Marathon has brought back memories of my own brief experience as a marathon runner.

More than a decade ago I took on the challenge of completing the Chicago Marathon, and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My IT band began burning before I hit the halfway mark, and the pain had me ready to give up in the last mile. I needed to be screamed at, pushed, and nearly carried in order to cross the finish line. 

Do What You Can When You Can

If you’ve ever been laid low by illness or injury, you know how frustrating it is to lie there thinking of all the things you should be doing. You plan how you’ll “catch up.” You make a lot of promises to yourself. Once I feel better, I’ll exercise. I’ll cook more. I’ll go to the beach and sit in the sand. And I’ll balance that with being super productive. I’ll write every day. I’ll do the dishes!

My Children’s Book Funded on Kickstarter!

It’s so exciting to have this book funded in just 2 weeks, and it’s all thanks to you! I’m so grateful for the amazing support. LET’S KEEP IT GOING! Why overfund? As those who work with energy know, like attracts like, and good snowballs into better. Everyone loves a winner, and the satisfaction that comes with being part of a success story feels pretty good too. In this case, more money means fees and rewards are easily covered, and promotional materials can be produced, but more importantly, it makes the second book in the series possible.

Reserve Your Spot in My Writers Residency Program This Summer

👉 Enjoy dedicated writing space just steps from Lake Michigan
👉 Benefit from one-on-one developmental editing sessions