Tammy was born in Holland, Michigan, the same year the first man-made object entered lunar orbit and It’s a Small World opened at Disneyland; she’s been fascinated by contradictions and ironies ever since. She traces her love of words and storytelling to the fourth grade, when she wrote her first book—a tale of suspense and intrigue called The Schoolhouse Mystery.
Tammy went on to earn a degree in journalism from Indiana University and has enjoyed a long and varied professional writing career. While a stay-at-home mom of three kids, Tammy wrote her first novel, Hello Loved Ones, and the children’s book, My Health is in My Hands. Her memoir, The Buddha at My Table: How I Found Peace in Betrayal and Divorce, has won several awards, including the 2020 NYC Big Book Award and the 2019 Chicago Writers Association Book of the Year Award.
These days, Tammy is a developmental editor for Atmosphere Press and for individual clients. She enjoys spending one-on-one time with writers who attend her Beach Glass Writers Residency in Chicago.
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- 2020 NYC Big Book Award Winner
- 2019 Chicago Writers Association Book of the Year
- Gold Medal Winner, Living Now Book Awards
- Gold Medal Winner, Human Relations Indie Book Award